Our Commitment...
Our Commitment...
Hi. I’m Michael Lowe, and I’m the founder of Matrix Business Solutions, Inc.
Matrix was formed in 1997 in the spirit of integrity. Our mission was to bring to the table highly sophisticated tax representation for businesses around the country who found themselves grappling with the collection divisions of the IRS and State taxing authorities. Also we wanted to do it economically, as by definition many of our clients are struggling financially. It was a team we formed back then, and it is a team that remains to this day. In fact, most of the members of our team have been serving the interests of our clients for close to fifteen years or more.
Over the (many) years we have maintained an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and they continue to show no complaints for the entirety of their reporting period.
If your business is experiencing problems with the taxing authorities at this time give me a call directly at ph (800) 843-1264 to discuss what we can do to keep you safe, and effectively and economically resolve these problems.
Kind Regards,
Michael Lowe
Matrix Business Solutions, Inc.
1911 11th St. #205
Boulder, CO 80302
ph (800) 843-1263
fax (303) 544-9237
email: mlowe@taxrepresentation.biz
Our Senior Team Members:
Joseph A. Jones, Jr., Esq.
Production Management
Attorney at Law
ph (800) 843-1264 ext. 12
email: jajones@taxrepresentation.biz
Deborah Shepherd
Office Management
ph (800) 843-1264 ext. 10
email: dshepherd@taxrepresentation.biz
Tracy Troch, EA
Senior Production Associate
IRS Enrolled Agent
ph (800) 843-1264 ext. 11 email: ttroch@taxrepresentation.biz